Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Self-Deletion 2 (Felt-Up)

Another deviation that I removed from dA was this one, called "Felt Up". Patty Van Dyke is bound and being molested by another woman in a way that she usually enjoys, but there seems to be some anxiety in her face.

Well, since that dominant woman's hand in Patty's panties may be causing Patty pleasure, I preemptively removed this pic. However, I had already subjected this image to some censorship, and I'll pull the curtain back a little for you, but not all the way. You see, this scene takes place on a Cracker County ranch, and Patty is being introduced to one of the residents with whom she is expected to begin a relationship.

While Patty does seem to be worried about the nature of this relationship, it's harmless, I assure you. More of these ranch goings-on can be found here.

1 comment:

James Glover said...

Ha ha ha! I realize I was only seeing the tip of the iceberg on dA, specially after looking at the link you gave! Good work, my friend! :D